
About Lan Ahmad

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Pendang, Kedah, Malaysia
It's all about my real life!!!

13 July 2012 - Friday

9.00 AM
Early in the cold morning, I’m start with update my blog about the previous task given that related to the PIC16F876A. After that, I’m update the log book because it must be submits to Mr. Mazran in every Friday.

10.00 AM
I’m continuing my daily task about GSM coding. Mr. Mazran made some explanation about the next task where my team needs to create program code that can sent text massages (SMS) through GSM Modem. Before that, Mr. Mazran ask us task to make RS232 Data Interface cable.

02.45 PM
After Friday Prayer, I make some research about the GSM modem and program code to setup the GSM modem. In this part, program code for GSM is separate with the previous program code because I must try to send SMS before combine with the previous program code.